Pin configurations for STM32F407 development board. More...
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Pin configurations for STM32F407 development board.
Taobao Link: https://m.intl.taobao.com/detail/detail.html?id=524181346955
Led Configuration:
Macro | MCU Pinout | Mainboard Designation | Polarity |
LIB_LED0_PINOUT | PA6 | D2 | true |
LIB_LED1_PINOUT | PA7 | D3 | true |
Button Configuration:
Macro | MCU Pinout | Mainboard Designation | Pull-Up/Pull-Down |
LIB_BUTTON0_PINOUT | PA0 | K_UP | Button::kPullDown |
LIB_BUTTON1_PINOUT | PE4 | K0 | Button::kPullUp |
LIB_BUTTON2_PINOUT | PE3 | K1 | Button::kPullUp |